All videos through are electronic downloads. You simply click to purchase, click to download & Click to watch. Simple as that! Videos will be saved to your computer & can be watched as many times as you wish. Videos do not expire once downloaded.
Purchasing: To purchase a video, you will need to select the Title(s) of your choice and press the
button. This will redirect you to your shopping cart. At this time you may proceed to checkout or continue shopping for more videos. Once you have completed adding videos to your cart, select proceed to checkout. You will arrive at the billing information page. If this is your first time purchasing, you will need to create an account by entering your information into the billing info and proceed to enter a password for your account at the bottom. If you are a registered member, please log in and your billing information will be filled out. Proceed to either choose PayPal or Credit Card for payment. If you select PayPal, you will be prompted to log-in and then redirected back to the page after payment is complete. For Credit Card payments, you will need to fill in the information in the form at the bottom and click "Check Out".

Electronic Download: All products are downloadable after online payment is authorized. At the time of checkout, CoastairbrushTV will obtain an authorization from the credit card or PayPal payment you have provided the Online Store. Once we receive the authorization, we will email you a link so you can begin downloading your Video(s). Every download link is generated right away after your credit card is authorized. If you didn't receive your download link, please check your SPAM FOLDER before sending us an email. If your credit card company does not provide CoastairbrushTV with a prompt authorization to charge your card, we will send you instructions for completing your purchase.
Download Instructions: Once you have received your email, click the link at the bottom of the page that says "Click here to download". You will be sent to CoastairbrushTV to complete the downloading process. Simply click the link and your download will start. All files are in .ZIP format that require "Extraction". All computers should have the proper software installed from the factory to do so.
For example: Windows:WinZip / Mac: Archive Utility
Once you have successfully extracted the files you will have access to your .MP4/.MOV video file. MP4/.MOV video can be played in about any media player available today.
Recommended Players: Quicktime, iTunes & Windows Media Player.
Once Downloaded, the video is yours to keep and will never expire
Download Time: All of the videos on CoastairbrushTV are HD quality and very large in file size. Most videos will range from 2-5 Gigabits in size. Depending on your computers speed and you internet connection, downloads can take anywhere from 10min-8 hours. Please be patient while your video downloads and make sure to only click the link once.
Try our recommended Download Managers
A download manager is the best way to
ensure your download will be complete and not stop short due to internet
disruptions. With the normal download process on a computer, your
internet may have a disruption in connection and cause the download to
fail or case a corrupt .ZIP file error. A download manager can greatly improve the speed of your downloads using segmented
downloading. In addition it allows auto resume on broken downloads, eliminating corrupt file errors.
We highly recommend using a Download Manager!
*Download links will expire after 4 days (96hrs) of your order being placed. CoastairbrushTV will NOT be responsible for unclaimed downloads. All sales are final. Download purchases are NON REFUNDABLE. Once downloaded, your video will NEVER expire and is yours to keep.
Note: The download link is sent right after the order is finished. If you've not received your download link within few minutes, please check your spam mailbox. If it's not in there, it's probably been blocked at your server level. If so, you can log into your Account and access your order confirmation and downloads there. See the Troubleshooting section for more details.
Questions?: Contact Us